

Okubaluleke kakhulu

MJ Bhengu's Intellectual Space

By Mfuniselwa J. Bhengu

December 2013

Men are shaped by the economy and society they are born into.
Dalton, 1975

A universal civilization requires a universal power, and therefore, for an African civilization to have universal power, it would have to have a strong African-oriented economic philosophy, rooted in an African idiom. We believe that Africa has a relatively strong universal power, but still economically weak.
(Huntington (1996).

Afrikan-oriented Ekonomic System
The ancient Afrikan economic system was widely anchored on the principles of economic democracy. The basic premise of this notion is the study of economic processes in relation to the social and cultural contexts in which they occur. After viewing the principle of self-interest against its historico-cultural background, one considers this link in the African context, and argues that, although they cannot be taken as the sole factor, people’s cultural beliefs and values are crucial for economic development…

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