
Live Literature Market: A treat for book lovers

Word N Sound Live Literature Movement

We have an amazing selection of books that will be on sale this Sunday at the Live Literature Market. So bring a friend, come hang out with some of our favourite writers while jazz band Big Five Namaqhawe do their thing on stage.

Our Triumph by Tumelo Moleleki
The fourth book in the #HerHeartSeries and my latest release. This is the story of Tseko, the Moahloli’s problem child, and how she claws her way out of the dark abyss she has been thrown into by her father.
On sale for R220

In the Jaws of the Crocodile by Ray Ndlovu
It is impossible to understand recent political events in Zimbabwe without insight into the role of Emmerson Mnangagwa. The fall of Robert Mugabe and the inauguration of Emmerson Mnangagwa as Zimbabwe’s new president in November 2017 were events that no one could have predicted. Just three weeks earlier, Mugabe had…

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Money Dance vs Spirit Dance

Green Ankh Works

DAni NabudereRevolution is a science, but it is one that takes shape socially, both privately as well as publically, and it is essentially experiential. The theory is as significant as the practice. The ironical art of revolution  is comparable to the art of music. One person can compose a symphony in the privacy of their own home or even while walking along as part of a crowd. The symphony will require a number of performers yet it comes from the mind of a single person. In jazz, there is the art of improvisation. While the composer can arrange the music in one way, the music can take a shape of its own in the hands of capable improvisers, but the foundation remains. Is it possible for a whole country to be conducted like a symphony or even a jazz big band, with each musician, audience member and spectator contributiung to a…

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